And on the Morning of the Third Day

She arose with a “yelp!” And then another. That really gets your heart pumping at 4am!

Since i gave her pain meds at just after 10pm, according to the doctor, she should not get another dose until 6am. With each dose, it seems that she only gets relief for 6 hours, not the 8 prescribed. She’s prescribed 15mg tramadol x 8 hrs but I’ve been giving her 15mg/6-7 since that is what keeps her comfortable.

When she is up, she is amazing in how well she already compensates! Do you think it’s possible she “forgets” she’s tripawd while she sleeps and then freaks out when she awakens??

She eats like she is ravenous and drinks plenty of water. Good signs, right? But I have not seen a bowel movement since she got home. I keep telling myself that she has had little food since a week ago today and is probably needing it for healing. Her urine elimination is good.

I try not to hover. Or help, if she is attempting to ambulate on her own. No jumping allowed, yet. But I have let her navigate 3 steps from the yard to the porch, where she rests, then two more steps into the house after a potty break! I’m impressed.

She has no trouble on the tile floors, but that slick hardwood is still tricky.

Her bother, Houdini, is confused but gentle with her. My little partners in crime and mischief.

It’s been long enough for the pain meds to kick in so I guess we’ll try a trip outside.

Thanks again, so very much, for the love, support and empathy I feel oozing from this site! AND, the great advice I so desparetely need!

Updates as day 3 unfolds…

So grateful’
Sammi’s mom

2 thoughts on “And on the Morning of the Third Day”

  1. You’re doing an EXCELLENT job of caring for Sammi! Good job of monitoring her pain and realizing she does need her doses a little closer together.

    The yelping when she gets up could be a stitch catching and some incision soreness with movement, or maybe even just some stiffness. I think I mentioned phantom lain jn the previous post.

    The pain meds can cause constipation. Many here have success with a spoonful of pumpkin…the real natural” stuff, not pie fulling. With adorable Sammi bei g so little, maybe just a teaspoon will work. It’s not unusual to have poop delay but it will happen anyday now!!!

    As far as the hardwoods, get some non slip scatter rugs for traction. It will help build her confience AND keep her safe!

    Sounds like Houdini is a great little “Nurse” for Sammi. It’s so sweet!

    Hang in there! Sammi is d0ing really well for this early in!’ YAY for eating and drinking! 🙂


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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